There are so many reasons why press releases can be good for your business or ministry . Here are just a few to get your mind racing with new ideas:
- 1 – The great thing about a press release campaign is that it is AFFORDABLE to the small business or ministry. Getting attention in the press puts small and big businesses and ministries on an even playing field.
2 – You really can’t buy exposure like this. People are naturally
suspicious of ads, but will take a story presented by the media as an endorsement of your business or ministry. You can end up on the front page of a newspaper or be featured on a talk show for 10 minutes. Could you imagine how much it would cost to pay for an ad in spots like that? Most major newspapers don’t even let you buy ad spots on the front page. And if you want a 30 second commercial on TV, you’ll pay hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars. Do this correctly and it could be yours for FREE!
3 – You can create brand loyalty. If people hear about you in the paper frequently or they hear you on their favorite radio program, you can become a household name for your product or service. Even if they don’t use your product, you are in the back of their mind when someone else is looking for a product or service just like yours.
4 – Steady Stream of Website Traffic. When you submit a press release to various online newswires, they can spread like wildfire. They are picked up by other websites – and very frequently Google News & I’ll show you where to place your release for potential inclusion on these sites
in another post. But first you NEED a Website!